PaySchools Central
Online Payment System for School Fees
Bowling Green City Schools utilizes PaySchools Central online payment system for school fees. This system is cost-effective, has advanced features, and is more convenient for our parents to use.
To submit payments, parents/guardians are required to create an account with PaySchools Central if you didn't create one last year.
The site can be accessed via an online portal at or via a convenient mobile app. To set up a PaySchools’ account, go to the portal and select the “Register” option from the menu. The portal will guide you through the steps you need to follow to establish your account. You will need your child's student ID number (lunch code) to link your child to your account.
PaySchools Central Convenient Features
- Parents have the ability to pay by credit card or by ACH. Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments are electronic payments that pull funds directly from your bank account.
- Convenience fees:
- Credit card transaction = 3.25% + $1.25 per transaction
- ACH bank payment = $1.75 flat fee
- Parents can combine all students' fees into one transaction and all students' lunch balances into another payment.
- Parents have the ability to pay student fees, lunch fees, pay to participate fees, and other fees such as field trips... all in one place.
- Parents can opt-in to receive email notifications when a student account balance falls below a threshold set by the parent.
- Parents can use an automatic payment feature which replenishes their student account(s) when the balance falls below a level set by the parent.
- Student information is automatically transferred from year to year and even from school to school.
- Parents can manage accounts for multiple students with a single login.
- PaySchools is PCI compliant and maintains industry-standard SSL certificates. This ensures all data is safe and secure.
PaySchools 5-Steps Account Setup Guide
Important: You will need each of your students' 6-digit Student ID number (lunch code) to link your student(s) to your PaySchools account.
PaySchools Full User Guide
Manage your account:
Download the App
PaySchools Central - Gray App
Not blue PaySchools Mobile
Log into PaySchools Central or Mobile to pay for lunches, fees, activities, and more. In one transaction, manage payments for all of your children in the district.
PaySchools Support
PaySchools support phone number is 1-877-393-6628 and is open 8:30am-7:30pm Monday-Friday.