My Ride K-12 App
Sign Up for the My Ride K-12 App!
The Traversa Ride 360 app that Bowling Green City Schools used in the 2023-24 School Year to provide our families with student transportation information is now retired, and an updated app is now available to all users.
This new app, My Ride K-12, can be downloaded in the Apple and Android app stores. You will need to download the new app to access updated transportation information for your student(s). Click on the Apple or Google Play buttons in the column to the right.
If you used the Ride 360 app in the 2023-24 school year, your username and password from Ride 360 will carry over into My Ride K-12. Additionally, you can use your existing login information to access a web version of My Ride K-12 at Once you have completed the download and have logged in to the new app, you can delete Ride 360 from your device.
If you did not use the Ride 360 app last year, then you will need to sign up to create an account. See the attached instructions on how to sign up for the My Ride K-12 app.
How to Sign Up for the My Ride K-12 App
Click here for instructions with images on how to sign up for the My Ride K-12 App.
- Download “My Ride K-12 App” from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
- After the app installation is complete, open My Ride K-12.
- When prompted to find your school district, enter Bowling Green and select Bowling Green City School District.
- Once you have selected our district, you will proceed to the login page. Those who used the Ride 360 app can login to the My Ride K-12 app with the same login information. New users will need to register for a new account.
- To register: enter your email address, password, and name.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in your email to confirm your registration through the My Ride K-12 website.
- Log in, then find a student by going to My Students and choosing the + button. This will present the Find a Student screen.
- Enter your student’s ID# (their lunch code), click “Next Field”, enter the student’s last name and date of birth and then click “Find Student”. Repeat this step to add additional students.
- Birthdates should be entered as MM/DD/YYYY example: January 5, 2010 = 01/05/2010
- Once you have linked to a student, click on that student’s profile to see all relevant transportation information.
- To share a student link with another person, select a student, click the share button and enter the email of the person you would like to share with. That person will receive an email that links them to the shared student(s). The recipient must register with My Ride K-12, if they have not already done so, to access the student’s information.
Need help? Call the Transportation Department at 419-354-0900.