Student Wellness
BGCS focuses on the whole child, and doing so requires all of us to be aware, in tune, and responsive to the social and emotional well-being of the students that we serve.
In order to achieve these goals, students must feel physically and emotionally safe and feel a sense of belonging to their school. When students experience these, the stage can be set for them to reach their full potential. We prepare students to be responsible, respectful and safe now and after graduation.
Student wellness prevention and intervention services are available on three different tiers including but not limited to school wide, classroom and individual systems of support. We are also thankful to collaborate with our community organizations to continue the level of care for our students and their families.
- Mental Health Services
- Social & Emotional Learning
- Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
- Community Partnerships
- School Counselors
- ATOD Services
Mental Health Services
Social & Emotional Learning
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Community Partnerships
School Counselors
ATOD Services
Contact Us
Danya Claes
Coordinator of Community Outreach & Student Wellness
419-354-0800 x4036
Emma Landals
Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drugs Specialist (ATOD)
419-354-0100 x1060
CRC Case Managers
Rebekah Arcuri, BGHS
419-354-0100 x1062
Lauren Raymond, BGMS
419-354-0200 x2060
Sophia Konrad, Elementary
419-354-0400 x4461