Pupil Services
Pupil Services Department Description: The pupil services department supports students, staff and families in special education, gifted and talented, preschool and 504 programming and services, in addition to nursing and health services, home instruction, school counseling, PBIS programming and supports, mental health supports, crisis planning, and preschool programming.
Preschool Program
The Bowling Green School District provides an inclusive preschool program for all children. The preschool classes are taught by certified teachers and follow a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Each class is held for 2 1/2 hours, Monday thru Thursday. The classrooms are housed at Conneaut Elementary School. If you know a child between the ages of 3 and 5 who may have special needs, please contact Emily Mennitt at 419-354-0800 x4033.
An important part of the preschool program is the involvement of peer role models. Children participating as peers must be between the ages of 3 and 5 (before August 1) and must demonstrate typically developing skills. There is a fee for this portion of the program. If you want to enroll your child in preschool, please contact Ann Rieman at 419-354-0800 x4031.
Special Education School-Age Program
The Bowling Green School District provides special education programming for students in preschool through graduation. Through collaboration and utilization of a team approach, the educators of Bowling Green Schools create and implement programs specific to the needs of each child. If you know a child between the ages of 3 through 21 who may have special needs, please contact the Pupil Services Department at 419-354-0800 x4031
Student Wellness
Student wellness prevention and intervention services are available on three different tiers including but not limited to school wide, classroom, and individual systems of support. We are also thankful to collaborate with our community organizations to continue the level of care for our students and their families.
Nursing Services
School nurses protect and promote student health, facilitate optimal development, and advance academic success keeping children healthy, safe and ready to learn. School nurses provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential.
Gifted Services
The Bowling Green School District believes in the intrinsic worth of every individual and holds that education is a vehicle by which every individual may advance toward his/her potential. Our students have the potential for outstanding accomplishments to self and society in widely varying fields. The Bowling Green School District provides differentiated activities and opportunities through which students discover and develop their unique and individual needs, interests, abilities, and talents including serving students in P.A.C.E., a one day pull out program for gifted cognitive ability students and subject acceleration for students who are gifted in a specific academic area.
Contact Us
Allie Willibey
Executive Director of
Pupil Services
419-354-0800 x4030
Ann Rieman
419-354-0800 x4031
419-352-3836 Fax